terms of service

Purchase policy
The following is a part of the terms of use for products ordered on our website www.monzee.jp. Please check the following terms before sending your order.

contact address
Our company is monzee inc. Our address is 1F, Azabu sun palace, 4-2-49, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN.
How to contact us: Please contact us to info@monzee.jp, or contact us in 1F, Azabu sun palace, 4-2-49, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 106-0047 monzee inc.
How to contact our customers: If we need to contact the customer, use the contact information provided at the time of order, telephone, e-mail, or (if necessary) We will contact you by mail.

How to accept customer's orders : When we send an e -mail to the customer, the customer's order is accepted, and a contract between the customer and the Company will be established at this time. 

If you cannot accept the customer's order : If you cannot accept the customer's order, we will notify the customer and do not charge the product. If you cannot accept your order, you may be sold out of limited products, or if you find an error in the price and explanation of the product.

Customer order number : We allocate the order number to the customer's order and inform you of the order number when you accept the order. When you contact us about your order, you can proceed smoothly by notifying your order number.

Our product
Difference from the display on the website: Understand that the image of the product displayed on our website is to explain the product to the customer. The color of the website may vary slightly depending on how your monitor is adjusted, or depending on the operating system used by your computer or mobile device. We will do our best to match all images on the website to the actual product that customers purchase, but since the setup of home monitors and operating systems are almost infinite, the perfect match is every time. Please note that you cannot guarantee.

Price and payment
consumption tax
The consumption tax is 10 %. The price displayed on each product on the website is the price including consumption tax.
Price and price adjustment: Prices and delivery costs of ordered products (including consumption tax in Japan) are shown in Japanese yen during ordering.
Despite doing their best, there is always a possibility that some of the products sold will be displayed at the wrong price on the website. If the correct price of the product on the order date is higher than the price, we will contact the customer and check the order at the correct price or cancel the order. Offers. If the correct price on the order date is lower than the display price, we will refund the difference.

Payment Method
American Express, Visa, Master Card, JCB, SHOPIFY Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay can only be used online. In the case of purchasing with a credit card, the total amount of Japanese yen of the Japanese yen will be pending on the credit card at the time of order, but it will not be charged to the credit card until the product is shipped. If your credit card is not approved or the total amount of your order exceeds the customer's credit limit, you will be displayed on the payment page to give you another payment method.
Debit cards are not accepted. You can use a credit card that is also used as a debit card, but the payment is processed as a credit card payment.

All products ordered in monzee.jp can be delivered to Japan and overseas.
Details and delivery details are explained here on our website, and the delivery fee is also explained here on our website.
When your order is shipped, you will receive an e -mail that confirms that your order is being delivered.
Click the tracking link listed in the shipping confirmation to check the delivery status of your order.
Relocation of responsibility on the product The customer will be relocated to the customer when the product is delivered to the designated address.
Transfer of the product ownership time When the Company paid a full amount of the product, the ownership of the product will be relocated to the customer.
If the customer is absent at the time of delivery, there is no one who can receive the product delivered to the customer's address, and if the product cannot be posted to the mailbox, the method of requesting redelivery or the nearest. Leave a note describing how to pick up the product from the storage location.
If the product is not requested to be redelivery, the company will contact the customer about further procedures if the product is not delivered to the customer, or if the product is not collected for redelivery, or if the product cannot be taken from the storage location. You may be charged for costs and additional delivery costs. Despite our appropriate efforts, we may end the contract with the customer if it is not possible to contact the customer or that the product cannot be received or the receipt of products by customers. 

Our right to terminate the contract

If the customer violates the contract, we can terminate the contract with the customer. In any of the following, we can end the contract for the product at any time by notifying the customer by email.
• If payment is not made within a week of purchase.
• If you do not receive the product in a reasonable time (see if the customer is absent at the time of delivery of the product, or if you are not asked for redelivery).